Rooted in Soil, Refined by Nature

Gardening & Plant Growing Tips

Garden & Bloom offers expert plant advice, the best gardening tips, and more...

Garden & Bloom — Plant & Landscaping Enthusiasts Unite

Garden & Bloom, previously Hardy Tropicals, is devoted to growing plants and landscaping throughout the United States and the world. Whether you're in New York City or Seattle, Chicago or Charlotte, here you can learn about all the plants that will grow in your climate zone(s) and how to make your yard a lush verdant paradise. No matter if you're growing bamboo or Bird of Paradise, Garden & Bloom can help you garden better.

Latest Entries from the Gardener's Blog

Soil Amendments

Organic by Nature

Explore our recommended soil amendments and discover how to use them in your garden.

Soil Blends

Science in your Soil

Explore our tailored soil blends and how to use them in your garden.

Garden and Bloom Emails

More than just plant advice... Get our FREE Gardening tips for your garden!